
Shower time



Yummy… hope she stays around and showers a lot !!!

Looks as if Faye is re-moved…: cry:

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I thought if she ever leaves,

she would have a fayebulous farewell with Henry. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This way Kano stays the Faye-in-ator. :rofl: :rofl:

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By the way. What is the role of the guy with the big black beard (BBB) ?
I just see him s___ping, laying around and playing with his phone. Could it be more boring?

Basically living for free and scratching your balls, which you get in 90% of realms, people who really like to work. :rofl:

At least he, Kano, fucked Fayebulous and had her itch and scratch her snatch afterwards. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Ok, thanks. Didn’t see it yet, Not watching 24h.

You can see it here, at least the timestamp.

and here:

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Kano was also involved in the threesomes with Wendy and Paulo the other day,

No 1

No 2

No 3

Ok, I see…nevertheless , the most time he’s s___ping and just using his phone. Boring life, sorry, just my opinion.

Well, As a F.O.H. or Friend Of Henry, Kano can slump anywhere he wants to!

Unfortunately Wendy is all that’s left of the M&H circus!

You’re absoloutely right,

his usual position is:


I wish Carolyn and Zoya were back. :heart_eyes:

Guys, I am a newbie here and have no idea what’s going on. What is the M&H Circus?
Are the most apartments in Russia or Ukraine?. Are some apartments in the same building?
Because some guys ,I see them often in different apartments.
Are the project members just paid by VHTV or do they have separate jobs somewhere?
Are the main regulations explained somewhere?

It is his life

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M&H is Mira and Henry.

Henry is the manager of M&H and Wendy.

The appartments are in different places worldwide. Look at the timezone underneath the realm names in the left panel. Some are as well in Russia as in Ukraine.

Some appartments are nearby to eachother, like Henry managed several appartments in the past, and they were in 15 minute-distance.

Payment is not (to be) discussed in the froum, there are different models of how the paticipants

finance their life.

As far as I understood, they rent an appartment, the manager stuffs it with electronics, therefore the participants pay a sort of user-fee, the whole thing is payed by VHTV, to what share, nobody knows.

Just brief words, and just as I understand the system.


First, I’d like to welcome you to the VHTV community! :raised_hand: :joy:

When I first found VHTV about 7 years ago, It had just started, and it was just a side hustle thing, in which the residents did have real jobs, so that the apartments were empty for much of the day, But it quickly became a “porn site”, so that this is now the job for most residents!

M&H is a shorthand reference for Mira and Henry, they were one of the original Realms who announced and celebrated their wedding about 6 years ago, I was surprised they chose to stay here this long, But it is an easy way for Henry to get his hands on younger pussy when he wants to, although he seems to be losing his touch in that area recently!

I call it the circus because, Henry used to manage 5 realms plus his own
S&T- Savannah and Troy
M&M - Marica and Mikl
J&T,I&K -Jirina and Tejo, Indira and Kostja
M,W&K -Marica, Wendy and Koen
S -Shana
W - Wendy
Wendy seems to be the last close realm he has left.
All the rest have left the project in the last year or so!

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I call that the Snoopy walk distance!

…when Snoopy is the dog of M&H for Derek. :wink: :grinning: