
Hold your breath on you little whistles. There is no democracy here! You can discuss such idiotic questions with problems with understanding at home with your wife, husband or your doctor. lol
So much SPAM bulls__t.

what is the score with Wendy and Kayno ,is it just ftiends with benefits , just asking .

Henrys business model has failed evidenced by the fact his get togethers are almost all fully clothed affairs attended by his ex employees who simply had enough of his lifestyle.I’m willing to bet it won’t be long till Wendy leaves the project but continues to visit M&H as a clothes on social visitor.If you really believe Henry ordered his "former employees"to do as they are told why have they all left?,fairly obvious to me.JMO

The fact even Marica won’t give him hand jobs anymore makes it appear his former tenants, just come over to talk and not fuck him

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thats why thay all left . fed up being told how to act . and do as thay are told.

you have just repeated what ive said for a long time , they all had enough of him telling them what to do and his attitude , Wendy has left once before and just come back so your out of date

Another day gone where i wish the face palm reaction was back.

A few posts back you agreed with loungermans “get together with Kano or else”?you said"we all know that’s true"make up your mind please.

just checked and not sent thaat to anyone

there you go

go to the one he replied to , thats a reply to that

go to the one he replied to , thats a reply to that

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Lets just put this to bed eh,not worth the bother :+1:

yep i agree

Now now c___dren lets not throw our lollys out the fridge as no one knows fuckall, it’s all guesses and supposition and nothing else.
And whilst on the point, you never know, Wendy and Kano may even like each other, ever thought of that possibility? :laughing:

Jordi and i were just sorting out a little misunderstanding

Smartass :+1: :laughing:

Does anybody have an idea, what this visit was about?

Yeh yeah yeah sure sounded like it :laughing:

We were being mature,polite,and sensible :wink:something you may want to look into pal :laughing:

Wow that’s a mouthful to digest pal, may even get stuck in me gullet :laughing: