
I honestly don’t think so. See my previous comment.


I agree with your assessment. It is actually hard for me to watch. I think she is off of her meds. I don’t recall seeing her like this when she was at M&H.

Joking abut someone with obvious medical problems isn’t clever or funny imo.
PS now waiting on the predictable boring “snowflake over sensitive remarks”

Not funny pal :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

We do not know if there are medical problems at all…


Definitely not to to the level I’ve seen tonight. But, if you look back at how animated she has been in the past I think you’ll see some of the signs but at a much lower level. Hence why I think she may be ether off her medications or needs a re-evaluation if her medications to control this “possible” this condition that can actually be caused by other medications she “may” be on. Some medications “necessary” sadly can cause some unwanted side effects that need to be controlled with other medications. I for one fully understand this as a retired Combat Medic, Medical Air Evacuation Specialist and Airborne Medic that retired as a Physicians Assistant ¶ after 26 years service. For me PTSD was/is a very real thing! Problem was that the medications I was on cause some very unwanted side effects! Today, government approved weed has been my life saver as I’m no longer rely on medications that had a multitude of unwanted side effects that were severely effecting my life. Once again this is only a educated medical guess without having all the facts.

Well i hope an apology would be forthcoming if it does turn out to be medical problems.As i understand it then would i be correct in saying that all undiagnosed medical conditions are fair game to be joked about.In all the excellent work you put in and how helpful you are this is not one of your finest moments Jabs.Stick to what you do best.

I am pretty sure she is okay. Let’s see how she is when she wakes up…

And I did not make fun of her. I really like Faye. She is one of my all time favorites. So be sure I care about her.

I ABSOLTLY agree! Hence why I’ve always said it’s “ONLY” (basically) my opinion…without all the facts. And 'if" it is I only wish the best for her. I have a sincere compassion for people. Watching her, particularly to night has been difficult for me. I truly wanted to be there (language would probably have been an issue, but I’m sure you know what I mean) to learn her medical history. Even if it was illegal d__gs (and I’m not saying it was just to make that clear) as a medial professional (retired) it’s not to judge but to help.

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My information is she is okay. I was worried too and asked…

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Not sure where you got your information, but I’ve also been a site moderator where I had contacts and information that others didn’t. So I for one hope she is and take your word for it. Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

No one knows that is quite apparent, but all i would say is that yesterday she was certainly not behaving in a level headed and rational way whatever the reason was.
It just appeared that she was behaving in a very emotional if not a distressed way but we can all only comment in how we each perceived her behaviour.

Was she like this in her own place or did we just notice it more when she came over to M&H’s realm? Just asking, cause I did pop in on her realm when she was there, and don’t remeber her being that way

Wendy was on :fire:


All credit to your medical knowledge, but to me Faye looked more like she was just horny and there wasn’t a man of her liking available.

Well if that was horny she would never have had it as she didn’t keep still long enough :laughing:

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