Viola Weber, Sasha Paige

Respect to her for standing up and reporting them to the police. :muscle:

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So why did the police appear??? So was there any r__e now?? According to the expert (supported by his mates) in parties of this realm, everything was ok, all was normal and they even left happily together (he even saw it) right after the sex.


Who said that? It was totally obvious Viola was p________t in bed when realm went offlineā€¦

Like someone seriously listen to HIM (we all know who)ā€¦ Leave him with his new ā€œhobbyā€ on his wayā€¦

You can see in his posts that unfortunately there is and support his bs. But at least seems the presence of the police may have woke up one of them and iā€™m glad for that

Most probably landlord

Sounds familiar?

Really? He said that? Unbeliavable :scream:

I have a two part question about this based on what Iā€™ve read and the clips Iā€™ve seen. This is merely for education, as I donā€™t have opinions or comments about what happened.

The guys were invited, and consent was allegedly given, I guess, to have sex and have a good time.

Things went in another direction, and weā€™ve seen what happened in the short video posted.

As they were having consensual sex, allegedly. Before she became unresponsive, would it still be classed as r__e? Or is he just a disgusting, vile human for his actions?

This is a genuine question; if anyone comes at me sarcastic or s__tty. My evening is free, and I feel petty, so expect the same energy back x10.

She was already heavily i________ed (_____ / d__gged) when they brought her into the bedroom. I do not think she was able to give any consent in her condition even when she was not p________t at that point.


Right, that is what I think was missing; I could not tell if it was consensual or not and why I was saying it allegedly.

And now theyā€™re gone from the list.

3 or 4 times every time someone says d__gs and no one knows for sure and I am not saying it was you @jabbath1987 but for some reason it seems a lot of people have it in for this room and I am one of the people who likes this room and would hate to see it go

r__e with or without d__gs is still r__eā€¦

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I am sorry but I have to agree if you go and look at there archive stuff that is a video where Sasha and a guy was having sex and the guy was playing with V Pussy and sucking on her tits and she was p________t no one reported that

I saw that videoā€¦. when she was with Raymond at her old apartmentā€¦! Still in archive with cut scene

And see I didnā€™t see it so I canā€™t see but what I will say is we all see things differently as where you see it one way I may not not saying youā€™re right and I am wrong I am just saying that everyone is going to see it differently and none of us were there just like for me at Medeaā€™s old place some people say the girl was rapped I said I didnā€™t think she was because she new what was going on other people said she didnā€™t know but in the end we didnā€™t really know what happened because we were not physically there

she was clearly not aware of what was happeningā€¦

so if anyone penetrates her during that it is r__eā€¦

look from the left or right. above or behindā€¦

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Well like I said before look at some of her old videos in the archives I believe there is something similar and no one reported it

maybe you should report them then?

or tell about which oneā€™s you speak?