Viktor, Kye, Nena

they never work normally!

Well we had everything working eventually, yesterday. Today though, we are back to having issues. :frowning:

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Good that our trio is socialising with the other two underemployed ladies.

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Every damn day, there are multiple cameras that do not work

What a “surprise” :stuck_out_tongue:

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this room system, it sucks.

Yes, isn’t it?! :roll_eyes:

The cams appear to have been re-synced recently. Perhaps this needs to be a daily occurrence.

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Perhaps they should just use working tech? :thinking:

Agreed but they can’t do it in a short timeframe especially if it is coming from China etc. My cam 19 just buffering now.

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The camera problem is especially with this apartment it seems?

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Yes because they use non standard cams…

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Sure. But manager already NOW should order the usual cams to avoid such a disaster in their coming up new place.

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The quality of their cams is even worse when it comes to fast movements:

Yes, great motion blur effect, IF that is what we are all going for, which of course it isn’t!

I can create that look in Photoshop (VERY easily indeed) if I want to. I don’t need / want one of these cameras to do it for me.

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I am glad other people see it too. :heart:

Walking on normal cam. Almost no motion blur:


@Kye-Viktor-Nena can you get your so called technicians to explain why this isn’t a problem please :thinking:

God I wish it was blurred :rofl: :rofl: