Viktor, Kye, Nena

Viktor and Nena seems to be having a disagreement about something this morning and she is not happy out on the balcony.

How does she take a bath? They have no tub.

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Wow, now THAT is a view and a half!!! :heart_eyes:

I’ll take your word for it. To me it looks like a smashed baby elephant trunk. :sweat_smile:

Good clickbait going on at the moment :laughing:

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Yeah they’re baiting you’re clicking among other things :wink: :rofl:

Unfortunately, the camera problems are still not resolved.

I am sure they won’t til they move to a new place.

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No, I still have issues with all but one of Kye’s bedroom ones. Number 6 is the only one of his, currently working.

Thankfully, all of Viktor’s are OK (at the moment).

Not good, is it?! :unamused: The angry emoji wasn’t aimed at you by the way, just the situation. :slight_smile:

Yeah but what can we do. We recommended to them countless times what to do but nothing changes.

Who is responsible for supplying the cams VHTV, Manager or participants?

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Managers of course. VHTV only connects them to their system.

I think some of the cam times have been corrected. All three loggia cams showing similar times.

Til they will fail in few hours again…

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Наши техники говорят, что не видят проблем. К тому же наши камеры проверенные другими студиями.

Я уже сообщал техникам о возможной проблеме камер, но они говорят, что все в порядке.

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It’s funny, now everything works fine! Great ! :grinning:

You’re technicians are pretty useless if they see no problem, The cams never stay on for a full day, there are certain ones that are always going offline. If they looked in every now and again they would see the problem :+1:

I follow this site for 6 years now and I can say I have some experience with cam problems and I also work with network components in my job. I am 100% sure your tech guy there is wrong and I am also 100% sure that the problems will disappear when you use the equipment every other places use.

What other Studio tested these cams? I did not see them anywhere else on the site. When they tested them without actually connecting to VHTV that might be the mistake. You always have to test everything like it will be in real life and not only parts of it.

Why the experiment there at all? There is no advantage in quality at all compared to the normal cams

Я слежу за этим сайтом уже 6 лет и могу сказать, что у меня есть некоторый опыт в решении проблем с кулачками, а также я работаю с сетевыми компонентами в своей работе. Я на 100% уверен, что ваш техник не прав, и я также на 100% уверен, что проблемы исчезнут, когда вы будете использовать оборудование, которое используют все другие места.

Какая еще студия тестировала эти кулачки? Я не видел их больше нигде на сайте. Когда они тестировали их без фактического подключения к VHTV, это может быть ошибкой. Всегда нужно тестировать все так, как это будет в реальной жизни, а не только отдельные части.

Зачем вообще этот эксперимент? Нет никакого преимущества в качестве по сравнению с обычными камерами.


Cam 114 in the guest bedroom is still having problems. Loads for a long time and then the time is wrong.

Correction: Now it works correctly. :roll_eyes: