Viktor, Kye, Nena

A post was merged into an existing topic: Gossip and off topic posts aka the :poop:-hole

Viktor has now come twice today. Bonking on the Loggia a little tricky if overlooked. We don’t want the place busted.

Nobody can see there. There is only water and trees in front of it.

That’s better than nothing, but I wonder why Kye don’t try and get his own girl. I forgot he can have Nena, she seems to enjoy him better.

My guess is that Kye now fixed up with new girl today. I think there was a short mild spat between Viktor and Nena. I think Viktor wanted her to go with Kye, but Nena was uncomfortable about that. Could be wrong.

You could be right, I seen the way Nena wash watching her the other day when they showed up. Why should she be jealous when she is with Viktor. Nena, you can’t have it both ways. Kye needs to get his own girlfriend and his own realm. Then you all can hook up from time to time. That might be why Viktor tried to get them together. He’s tired of sharing.

Nice Buns, but what happen to the guy she was with when the Realm open up or do they hookup on the outside?

For those turned on by female farting 00:35:25 cam 5.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Gossip and off topic posts aka the :poop:-hole

Surely there’s no-one gets turned on with that :thinking: :rofl: :rofl:

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Probably away on business :man_shrugging:

Only Torey I should imagine :rofl:


U commented may be u get turn on by these s__t…:joy::joy:

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Oh well each to their own :grin:

Еще одно хорошее выступление этим вечером команды. Всегда приятно смотреть.

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Leonardo Dicaprio Oscar GIF

yesterday from 13:30 - 20 00 all hours missing :frowning_face:

I believe the cams where down

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I see Kyle is s___p in the one girls guest room. Is she gone now.