Viktor, Kye, Nena

Well done on this evening’s performance. Good lighting and awareness of cam positions. Nena struggled with the butt plug a little but performed well. Such a trouper. Keep it up!

It’s job of many MOs not just one…… There are 7 MOs who are also working hard to save moments… but they never involve themselves on forum like him…:neutral_face:

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It also seems like he is involved in managing the forums.

Leave it…! I know jab… and his purpose on forum…:upside_down_face:

When I first arrived here I thought he was the creator of the forum environment in the beginning!

He do many things….:sweat_smile::joy:

Sounds as if you are moaning?

We have drifted way off topic,

Should we start a Jabbath topic independently?

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I told u leave it…! :sweat_smile::joy:

We don’t need yet another topic to inflate his already overbearing ego


Well, I need a smoke now, see you later.



Yep, just like a professional production :joy: :joy: “not shy at all”



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Mouse and Nena are beautiful :heart_eyes::hugs:

Kye, a question for you, from man to man, after having quite few threesomes with Nena&Viktor, what’s your feeling as a man, she likes more your performance or Viktor’s ? :thinking: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

He should take pride in himself as long as he gave her is best, Why compare to another?

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