Viktor, Kye, Nena

You will do anything to get my attention. I am here as always, i have only ignored you a little bit :hugs::hugs::hugs::heart::heart:

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I thought you hate my scripts, but now you post pics with it happening :thinking::thinking::thinking::joy::joy::joy:

I post pic what already happen not a moaners viewer like you….:joy::joy: it’s not a a script its a choice…. viewers like you are fool…:sweat_smile:who think they are seeing things for first time…!


Still deluded



Good to see you back :hugs::hugs::hugs:


Нена была в туалете. Это слепая зона. С камерой все хорошо.

Do u guys have a pool or something outside I noticed the place looks like it’s part of a bigger place

That’s lake or may be sea…. :ocean: beach side…!

No in the front

Then may be public pool….!

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I know, Why don’t they tell you when to watch?

We pay to see what they choose to show us!

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Still doesn’t explain why so many cams keep failing multiple times each day… ? :thinking:

And covering electric devices like cams with rags or clothes is a bad idea at all :roll_eyes: :


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But u r still watching them….:sweat_smile::joy::joy:


It is obvious the place is bigger than the cams show. No other place on the site has more blindspots…

There are many hidden spots on many realms but chose to accuse this realm only….! :smirk:

It is Jabbs job to watch!

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Yea…. and spread non sense against those realms which he hates….! and saving his master realms…!

Нет бассейна. Море есть в 15 минутах ходьбы.

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But, he also has to deal with the camera video quality when he is saving the videos to the Archives!

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