Viktor, Kye, Nena


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Here’s a better camera angle of the kitchen :smile:

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Quality fluctuations unfortunately in the video, since their internet is probably not that stable.

Even better one


Where is that? On the other side of the river I guess.

If only, sadly is you cannot fit two people in their kitchen…must live on takeways?

Not my best chosen first picture here (but there WILL be others so not to worry)…

Viktor and Kye! :heart_eyes:

@David Just a few I thought you might like… Kye and Viktor are my favourite bromance right now :smiley:


Thank you SO MUCH for these!!! Kye and Viktor are stunning, in my opinion. Pictures 1 and 3 on the top row (oh and the middle one, bottom row) are my favourites but every single one of them are great and much appreciated.

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Shame about the threesome. Victor did try.

Kye did jerk off watching them though, so it was almost there… :rofl:

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