Viktor, Kye, Nena


Yo tengo 2 teorias, una que al decirles Viktor que ya no serian participantes y que ahora serian invitados como que pasan de tener accion en ese reino y asi se ve aburrido y la otra podria ser que desconecte Viktor las camaras para que no haya vistas de nadie antes que el y Nena

Nah I had that theory too but it is just sloppy tech work there… :see_no_evil:

They are guests so not be here for a long time that’s y their names also removed from cams after first day….! and currently where they are living have major electricity problem….

It would be rather stupid if Viktor done that. as views makes money :thinking:

por eso lo decia cuando se abrio el reino figuraban como participantes eso les habria dicho el gerente o Viktor

pero ese dinero seria para esa pareja no para ellos

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Does money go to guests or to the names on the realm? I’m not sure @jabbath1987 do you know?

Like any other place, vh only deliver money to managers, then hands are washed and guess it’s up to manager to do the rest. But why would be here different from any other place full of tons of guests?

El otro dia tuvieron accion Nena y Viktor y en ningun momento se desconecto y hoy habiendo accion si que casualidad

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And when there isn’t any action and goes out?? It’s also Viktor doing it?

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: lo mismo tambien

So the manager can give the money to a guest?

No idea, but as they are part of the place living here with a bedroom i totally believe they have any type of income, now who delivers the money if share of tenants or if managers guess it can be both cases depending on situations.
And like in many other VH places full of guests most probably the names aren’t listed because it’s easier for bureaucratic issues, paperwork, management conveniences.

**Si como en los reinos de Henry y Mira pues quien folla alli como invitados les pagara ** podria asi ser como lo hacen I y K por eso van de vez encuando a lass fiestas

I don’t know if the location of them is already solved, but if you make a screenshot of the bottle of water that is in the kitchen right now and search it on Google, you’ll know their location :slight_smile:

3hours after sex and they still are in top2 :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


why is the Bathroom Nena not to find ??

It’s here :thinking: