
hi everyone ,just like to say this is a fun post ,but someone may do it,I just thinking how much will it be to have all the videos, all of the 3292 pages of them and i was thinking if VHTV would give a discount

Half of them are Medea taking a shower :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I don’t think you would be able to download all the archive videos.

There are 3292 PAGES of videos, 60 to a page, so as of today there are 197460 individual videos! Do you have a very fast internet connection, because it will take a while!:flushed:

There is a lot of content that’s not very interesting. I quite like watching Medea showering …:flushed: ONCE!

Yeah see 1 you see them all

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yes you are right there are 3292 pages ,not videos i put down the wrong number

So true !!!

One video average 1 hour = 22 years (24/7) You no longer have a dick and osteoarthritis in your wrists

I personally think the archive can be made so much better. There are so much gold mines just buried in there that are impossible to find because there’s just so many videos.

A suggestion would be to use AI to categorise them better and have more detailed genres.

A perfect example would be - if a participant is not tagged in the video, it might as well be lost. In this day and age, facial recognition is easily accessible to fix this one problem.

Just my two cents…

You would also need to have a lot of money, even at a discount. I bought 1,000 coins for $100 - at 10 coins per video, I would only be able to download 100 videos before having to buy more. I did get 15 free ones in the first apartment poll giveaway and 10 the second time, so that helps a little. But at that rate, I’m sure as hell not going to waste my coins and money for 100 videos of Medea, Chloe, Barbara or Tessa just taking a shower.