Since I couldn’t use PayPal as my payment method, I went with bitcoin instead of credit card to keep my joint bank statement clean :sweat_smile:. However, if I wanted to donate coins to an apartment, only the credit card option is available and no bitcoin :slightly_frowning_face:.

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I have been using PayPal via Segpay at RLC for over a year now

I renewed my subscription for a year in early November and it worked flawlessly. It’s a bit confusing, since the payment is made via Segpay and then only goes to PayPal, but it worked.

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Sorry, I don’t have a subscription to RLC and can’t have a say. But as you write, it was at least so far synonymous with VHTV.

yep since this month you can’t use paypal anymore for vhtv

They still have the digital water marks or “dots” as you call it.

I’ve only seen residents who misbehave or turn off the router are immediately removed and never reinstated. It would also be better if vhtv did the same instead of taking these people back again and again

I agree, that RLC is the technically better website. The apartments are much nicer than VHTV.

The big advantange of VHTV is the huge amount of apartments. RLC once had a nice amount of apartments when they had their Russian ones, which were skipped in ca. 2018 because of new laws in Russia.

The critique on RLC is they are considered boring, because the lack of action in many apartments. In adition, RLC seems to have obvious problems in finding new participants for their apartments. Thank goodness this year some more apartments have been added, but in case of action and the number of apartments, VHTV is clearly the king of all voyeur sites.

There are fans who prefer RLC, and fand who prefer VHTV, and some people who like both.

I was a member on RLC around 2012 ,until I went with VHTV ,which is far the better site then about 4 weeks ago I had a 9 day trial ,to be fair it was not good to go back very boring in fact I did not go for the full 9 days ok so sometimes on here its fake many fake girls or show offs but there are plenty of lovely girls to, I dont like to see the so call porn stars on here ,and the cam shows they do ,which are fake but all in all VHTV got it right ,they had it right from day 1 ,

You mean Flora and everyone that’s involved with her right :thinking:

yes thats one ,but very lovely no one would open their legs unless there was a cam there

I used to be an audience member of RLC, since I met VHTV, it was new to me, and more importantly, it has Bitcoin payment, but RLC does not have this possibility and the variety of its rooms is very little, not to mention the costs are high in VHTV and the camera angles are incorrect Is

There is also that if anyone posts a single picture off RLC from their account you will get banned.

I started a similar topic few months ago and it was censored by @jabbath1987 as we were not allowed to discuss competitor sites. Double standard or is he only censoring my posts?

I don’t know about Germany. But here in North America if you don’t have a credit card, you won’t be able to build a credit history or a credit score, so you won’t get a mortgage to purchase a house.

You can not build credit history with a debit card used to pay the bils by direct debit?

No because with debit card you are not repaying a loan it’s the same as paying cash except the funds are withdrawn directly from your bank account. Credit card payment are similar to a loan, when you make a transaction the money is not withdrawn from your bank account, you will have a balance to pay later to the credit card company ( not only banks issue credit cards in North America but it could be stores). You can decide to repay the balance in monthly payments but they will charge interest

I see, must be different than here un UK where i live, i have builded my credit score to excellent without ever having a credit card, only by paying all the bils plus the phone contract and loads of buy now pay later interest free stuff. Maybe all of those ones are considered as loans i am not sure, idea is i have never got a credit card. Ah, i have also used store issued cards usable only in them stores, maybe they are considered as credit cards…

No the credit card issued by stores here are Visa/Mastercard and you can use them everywhere including to pay subscription on this website if you want.

Got you, it is different then