VHTV Post Flagging System & Emoji Reactions

The picture which is flagged is the one which was posted and flagged two posts back from mine by @Tony133810 which i reposted to show.

Yeah I have the leader & carlos on ignore :man_shrugging:

Because you seem to know very well a lot of things here, but somehow not exactly who is part of the so called ā€œtrolling teamā€ :wink:

Hint: check the face palming reactions on my recent posts from A&S topic and Sparkles posts as well

Well if thatā€™s the only criteria then I must be part of it as well then

if it amuses them to tell me that he continues to post nothing more I will move on and leave this forum

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Thatā€™s funny, isnā€™t it?

Check most face palming in many posts in many topics, nearly always the same couple or so membersā€¦

You keep saying that but Iā€™m yet to see anything funny

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Donā€™t let them win just keep doing what your doing, donā€™t let them get to you :+1:


I canā€™t see anything funny as well man. But, there is nothing to do about it.

here are the messages that I received no explanation
This is an automated message from Voyeur House TV Forum to let you know that your posts have been temporarily hidden because they were flagged by the community.

As a precautionary measure, your new account has been silenced and will be unable to create replies or topics until a staff member can review your account. We apologize for the inconvenience.

For additional guidance, please refer to our community guidelines.

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You did nothing wrong, the most maybe that you donā€™t put a description or context next to your photos. As i said earlier, it is very weird that only your posts been flagged and not the others doing exactly the same type of posts as you

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Well thatā€™s pretty s__tty that, It must be that youā€™ve had multiple posts flagged, when he gets round to it God only knows as thereā€™s only one person dealing with things at the moment :man_shrugging:

why is there no explanation why they block my shares?

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@VHTV_James & @VHTV_CEO This is entirely not an acceptable reply or action from yourselves towards a member who has done nothing wrong.
You really need to get your own house in order and check the facts before imposing bans on innocent members.
I trust the member @Tony133810 will get his full membership rights restored immediately.

Completely agree, this member has been targeted for no obvious reasons, that is so wrong

It seems to me that some people here have found that the flagging system helps them in order to get other users accounts silenced

Easy, a group of users donā€™t like the fact that you post photos, maybe jealousy or lack of attentionā€¦ So they flag you. And not matter if there is any reason or not, this is how great this system works (just in case of the bad interpretation/manipulation, the use of word ā€œgreatā€ is sarcasm/irony)

Or in other words someone at VHTV is taking the piss :laughing:

Iā€™m here to watch share without any prejudice people do what they want itā€™s not me whoā€™s going to tell them what to do Iā€™m polite I insult no one itā€™s a shame to see people I hurt with simple images that I share but donā€™t forget his images itā€™s pieces of live so you also have to ban the participants because they are the ones who show us their images lolll incomprehensible :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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Donā€™t worry Tony i am sure @VHTV_James will see the error of their ways and restore your full rights without delayā€¦ :+1: