VHTV news feed

In the large amount of more or less usefull tweets the announcements can be overseen easily. This happened to me several times

Good to see the topic going soooo well :rofl: Seems nobody can agree on anything which is not surprising :rofl: To be honest i don’t see the point of it anyway as all goings on are noted in the relevant apartments anyway :roll_eyes:

The intention was when somebody is let’s say away for two weeks so he / she can get a very quick overview what happened on the site without having to read thousands of new posts.

I don’t read thousands of new posts no way, i may go back a page to get the jist but anymore than that just can’t be bothered, all of a muchness anyway. Just seems rather a duplication of everything and another load of varying arguments to read. As the old saying goes, " The road to hell is paved with good intentions"

I like the idea to have an easy to find place where you can find all changes in the apartments without having to go through hundreds of more/less usefull tweets or every thread on the forum. That’s actually something i miss for a long time.

that’s the point. From time to time i cannot watch or read the forums for one to three weeks. If you come back there are usually many changes and it needs a lot of time to get updated to what happened. New Apartmentes are usually at first positions in the apartment list, but you also have situations where just the name changed (Jurry for example) and/or other apartments are gone when you miss a week or two. In such situations i would find it really helpfull to have a list (and it’s not more than this!) with all the changes.

I will set you a test every Monday morning as to what is going in each and every apartment so best you read each and every comment. I never want to see another silly question on here if the answer was in the comments you missed because you were too lazy to read. :crazy_face:

Wow my own private secretary eh, lucky Rob eh Might be bit difficult as i don’t keep up or even watch every apartment but will do my best :rofl: giphy (8)

Wow you’re lucky it’s only a test, Marcie gave me 15 years in the gulag for my tirade about one resident. :rofl:

and 110% of your posts are superfluous. I guess noone wants to read and hear what you write. Ignored from now on…

jabbath… Your proposal certainly has a lot of promise and will help subscribers to keep up to date with the participants.

looks good. But, i would change change the order of realm and names as i think, not too many know which realm is which apartment.

  • Hudson & Hindy (New Realm2) joined the project. They are friends of Otto & Lola (Realm27)
  • New participant Hikaru (Realm65). Former participants June & Jaro already moved to Nude House (Realm88) before.
  • The leaving of Berg & Freya (Realm16) was announced
  • Kamilla & Ilyas (Realm72:) left the project for a longer hiatus once again

I like the idea. Improves readability… :+1:

Where will it be posted, on the site or in the forum ?

Love it already… but topic should keep clean. The idea of @VHTV the move it to an separate Categorie where only a few users can add new posts was a good idea…

8 rooms offline , relocation-Ok, technicsl issus?

It’s all set for now, please check the feed at corresponding topic: VHTV Content Updates

Each news update should be stored into separate post.

Thanks @jabbath1987 for contributing. I hope we’ll be able to post some news ourselves on behalf of VHTV team soon. If anybody willing to help us out, please don’t hesitate to talk about here or send a PM.

By the way, I’d suggest using tags when posting about any realm. For example, you can turn:

The leaving of Berg & Freya (Realm16) was announced


The leaving of Berg & Freya (realm16) was announced

Just by adding # (hashtag) for realmID. This allows linking to topics with the same tag. I don’t think there’s easier way to jump into corresponding topic right away.

[quote=“chrd12345, post:95, topic:10383, full:true”] looks good. But, i would change change the order of realm and names as i think, not too many know which realm is which apartment.

Can’t you understand names then :rofl:

Bloody hell, it is now 2yrs later and this News Section/Feed thingy is still no further on though you are appointing so called editors now, but for what is the simple question.

Surely @sparkles suggestion and @jabbath1987 suggestions is all you need just to keep people informed as to what is or is not going on, like who has been banned and for what reason etc etc either on the member side or the apartment side etc.
You ain’t looking at running a world wide International News Service for gods sake so why try making something easy so damn complicated.
You could also use it to announce future software developments etc etc and any ideas VHTV have for the future together with feedback from members.
For example who is pregnant, who is going mental etc etc :joy:
I think the clue could be in the proposed title like NEWS Feed

If you make it too complicated the pages are just gonna get over bloated with crap.

Another suggestion could be is to adopt a basic announcement list with a link at each end of the line which would take you to a separate page for the comment and suggestions.
Otherwise the Basic News Section page will just get bloated with all comments and sugestions and you would end up having to scroll through a mass of pages.

If someone doesn’t get their finger out soon half of us are gonna be bloody dead and buried anyway :joy: :joy:

Now, there’s some mighty fine ideas there, pal. Duly noted :smiley: