Jabba, since you never answered me (a bit impolite, sir), do you understand that, according to VHTV, all posted content on this forum requires their watermark?

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Nope I do not. I posted a lot of content without watermark. All our photos posted in Wiki do not have watermark. Nobody ever complained.

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Hope the discussion will end now:

Well, I don’t know what to tell you. You said ask VHTV, so that’s what I did. The comment I posted was what he told me, which says, don’t crop out the watermark out of respect for their site. And, it was from the same person who posted the original comment to you in the first place. Maybe Wiki needs to be fixed.

Lol I won’t change all the photos in Wiki because of that. When you feel better with logo just add it in your photos. I will continue as now until VHTV tells me different. I posted above them saying here the logo is not required…

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No water marks on you VHTV pics. You’re such a rebel.

I’d be very surprised if they read every post. I still think it’s required, according to VHTV.

I do not crop it out on purpose. I just do not care if it is there as VHTV said it is not required. I will do that until they tell me different. I do not get why this is so important now? The whole discussion is a bit pointless…

You read my post here?

LMAO why you white knighting for VHTV so bad??

Rainbow Cartoon GIF by Daniel Spacek

He just can’t admit he is wrong :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Yeah, I figured it was more of it’s there cool and if it’s not also cool kinda thing.

You should start putting a jabbath1987 watermark over the VHTV watermark. :rofl:

How can I be wrong, when VH tells me you’re wrong, twice. You’ve said you aren’t a VH employee. I didn’t know you made the rules here.

My latest info I posted above is logo is not required. That is the Status Quo for me until VHTV tells me different. For now I am out of here. I think the discussion is kind of pointless.

VHTV naming/logo is not required for images when those are zoomed in to some specific subject/object. That’s just too much hassle for most of viewers to add it manually in this case.

VHTV naming/logo is required for videos, though it might be acceptable to put those for zoomed in parts of short videos. Part-length and full length scenes must include VHTV naming/logo.

In addition, deliberate cropping of naming/logo is prohibited when posting image or video which obviously would look kind of same without cropping.

Hope it’s clear. Rules are good as long as common sense is present too.

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Watermark not needed for content postet here. This has been said multiple times.

Maybe you should come to an agreement among colleagues… :wink:


Seems he does agree :man_shrugging: well he gave a thumbs up at least

In other words:

Videos posted to the forum do not require a watermark, but we should make sure to include it… :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

Hopefully everyone else understands it too… :joy: :joy: :joy:

The statement that the watermark has to be included is not right for the VHTV forums. It was only the case for the CC forums