VHTV Best Apartment Poll #29. 🎃 Halloween Edition! [+ Rewards 🎁]

Try guessing who will take the 5th place in the Halloween Poll?

I will double the random reward you get from participating into the main Poll for the correct guess of yours.

:slot_machine: You need to guess the 5st place of the Main Halloween Poll!
  • Mustafa
  • Bert & Rissa
  • Ariela & Sebastian
  • Dima & Sandra
  • Deni
  • Artem & Tristan
  • Gella & Winston Wolfe
  • Rachel & Ross
  • Mira & Henry
  • Lisbet
  • Starlight house
  • Finley & Francesca
  • Libra & Papi
  • Xavier
  • Flora
  • Amelie & Lucas
  • Queen
  • Vegas
  • Tonk
  • Philippa
  • Medea
  • Edrym & Roza
0 voters

episode 15 casino GIF


My choice is Ariela and Sebastian


Yeah noticed that, they have been a bit more communicative lately.

I voted Medea

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Happy Halloween!!

:jack_o_lantern: :jack_o_lantern:

Starlight house, Dima & Sandra, Medea,
Xavier,Finley and Francesca, Tonk


You have 3 votes you know.? :joy:

When i tick the boxes nothing happens like that, and even when i vote nothing tells me i have voted so am a bit confused if i actually am voting???

Nikki will win by miles :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

I think the 5th is Medea

Thanks pal but am past caring now, think their voting system has a mind of it’s b___dy own :joy:
When i vote absolutely nothing seems to happen or change. :joy:

How sure are you?

С днем рождения VHTV :partying_face::birthday:
Когда ждать итогов конкурса?

Nope,didn’t get that at all or any other reaction :joy:

Well i won’t win anything as just didn’t work for me :roll_eyes:

I’m surprised Marica ain’t on the list

Submitted too late :wink: But they have quite a cool party right now. :kissing_heart:

Looks a bit boring to me if i was honest :wink:

Well at least all the guests are still there :joy::joy:

So when I vote and hit the vote tab button it blinks and gives me a red circle with a line thru it does that mean that my vote never counted?