VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

That was at the local Glastonbury Festival in 2007 when she was 70, can you believe that and she can still belt it out. Always been one of my favourite performers.
In her younger days she was really hot but that voice is something special.
I have a huge collection of her songs.

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I have just been re-watching the infamous ‘Smoke gets in your eyes’ Morecambe and Wise sketch she was involved in. Absolute comedy genius and she was such a great sport, doing that. Then she finished with ‘Diamonds are forever’.

Simply wonderful from start to finish.

Yes she is certainly a one off, no one will ever replace her she was music perfection at her peak and throughout her career, an absolute legend :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
Never shied away from her comedy side either. Just the greatest :heart:

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Dame Shirley Bassey. She is both a CBE and a DBE. Originally Welsh and today she is 86 years old. Very shortly said. :slight_smile:

you shared private things or real names?
otherwise i would disagree with the flags, because everyone who knows how to use a translation app can translate every conversation, by the way, if they are on cam, the should use the cam name they have, for their own protection

i give it my best shot :innocent: :innocent:

No, i haven’t shared names. Only what was the conversation about. I also tend to agree that every phone conversation is private. Either is made on cams or not. But all of this are stated very clearly on the FAQs anyway

Exactly, if she wanted it private then why the hell do it on cam duhhhhhhhh

No Rob, doesn’t matter if you can use a translation app or you understand the language, you are not allowed to share the infos on the forum. It is that simple

TL3 is starting to do good things on you :slight_smile:
but if they want a private call, why do it in the eye of the camera?

so that will never kept private

i could add a story here about phonecalls i made with flora, but thats is really private info, so i won’t :wink:

Doesn’t matter if you can hear the conversation. You are not allowed to share it on the forum. It is stated very clearly on the FAQs:

  • Do not share VHTV Participant’s private/personal information.
    • This includes guessing/suggesting/stating anything you may or may not know.
    • Private information includes, but is not limited to:
      • Real names
      • Date of birth
      • Contact information
      • Education
      • Profession
      • Nationality
      • Location

It is quite clear, isn’t it?

Well if they are talking online in front of the cam it’s being b___dy shared world wide so the forum rule is somewhat irrelevant really as they are sharing it :laughing:

what is private on a phonecall made in public as long as you don’t share those things you mention?

Better ask VHTV that question, not me :slightly_smiling_face:

I just told you what happened to my posts

no, i ask you, because you bend that rule to your favor, it does not say that we are not allowed to listen to her phonecalls, that is what you make up

I never said you are not allowed to listen, i said you are not allowed to share the translation/content of them on the forum. That’s completely different

did i do that?

maybe you did it on the wayne case, i only was asking if the picture you made was while she was talking to Dennis

Well, no, this time you haven’t. You only asked a name. But there have been so many other times when you did, with details :slightly_smiling_face:

Anyway, it might be enough about this. No?

But VHTV are sharing it on the forum? so what’s the b___dy difference duhhhh
you are splittings hairs and it’s a b___dy thin hair :laughing:

come on Rob, he is TL3 now, so he has to defend the case :wink: