VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

And for you @jabbath1987, making a statement about being childish, don’t throw stones in a glass house - I said what I said, like you say whatever the fuck you wanna say when you get ready, right?

Forum Members Most of the times I prefer to upload my pictures at night where is no traffic 9 PM my local time to 2 AM Therefore whatever likes I am able to give I give them on the same time Thank You !!
PS Thank You all for Your support & likes Wish to everyone a Wonderful Saturday night and Pleasant Sunday


I do mine in the morning time which means all the realms are sleeping and usually not doing anything but that’s the free time I have to post pics :hugs:


I will never understand these p****ies that flag comments. :rofl: How the fuck you flag comments while being a pervert on a pornsite? The morals isn’t making sense.

1 Like

… and it drops another level …

They want to be prim and proper and offended by words, but paying to watch sex.

It makes me laugh, leave that shit for your real friends that don’t know you’re here paying to watch people fuck in apartments.

that our friend there knows everything? no he is above good and evil he is the bulwark of morals, he is totally polished and immaculate he would never come here to see sex, he is just doing it on a mission, sent by the most holy virgin. HAHAHAHAHA.


I totally agree that the users that don’t have regular sub or premium sub doesn’t any say of what goes on with the realms cause they can’t see anything outside of 2 cams in all realms and all of the stuff that they say are assumptions by only looking at pics and clips that the regular subs and premium subscribers work hard in posting on here I don’t have alot to say of the realms I have a better understanding if I had the funds to get premium sub to see for myself which I don’t cause of my situation for me I wait to whatever plays out then comment on it if it’s necessary
This is me being :100: truthful :hugs: