VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Well as told before I don’t think off-topic option is necessary too until it’s massive amount of chatting (like now) or toxic posts so nothing to fight on :crazy_face:

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tenor (3)

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Have i ever told you, you are my favourite :hugs: The cheques in the post by the way :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


And what about me? :pleading_face::joy:

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Ummm ummmm, well, ummmm, give me a bit of time, will have to consider that very carefully. :joy:

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nobody will complain. no one complains about everything that takes place in the apartment (except for those with outdated morals (who are completely wrong here anyway) and who generally assume the most negative things)
the criticism is primarily aimed at your constant imagination about what (probably not) takes place outside the home. that’s really annoying

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We had one but the overzealous usage by some of the slow down function killed it off

But chat-topic is meant for chatting so why would there be timer? IMO

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Well said
Simon Cowell Wow GIF by America's Got Talent

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We both are of the same opinion and that exact point was raised but the slow down function was still applied, it doesn’t matter anyway as topics will still go off topic as hardly anyone follows polite requests and has to find a loophole, going to leave this conversation here as only adding to the mass of off topic

What happend to the glory years in which you would do anything for a Box of good Beer?:disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:

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Send it to me and let me hear your request :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Isn’t that what this topic is for? ie anything, so how can one go off topic or not add mass to a topic that’s meant for anything. ? Duhhhhh :roll_eyes:
Am i confusing you as am bloody confusing me :laughing:

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It don’t make sense now as Kaya moved the conversation we was having from Ariela & Sebastian topic to here, basically this is now the purgatory topic we had before

I must admit i do get annoyed at those who whinge on about being off topic.
You will always get the occasion where it just naturally goes off topic, i am one of the culprits who often does but normally it is always in someway related to the topic you are in and within reason doesn’t last that long.
When they start moving stuff around it just breaks up stuff and you often lose all context to the conversation.

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you are always the culprit… :wink: :joy: :joy:

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Oh thanks pal, good support always good to hear :joy: :joy: :joy:
Obviously one of my charms :joy:

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you know I love you and hate you at the same time… :wink: :hugs: :hugs:

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due to the lack of intrest in this thread the following people are going to have there account suspended @carlton223 @numan24 @hopper3557 @rudeboy @sammy323 @ catcher21 @homeboy78 @lobonny @peter67 @jennybigtits @ NO YOUR NOT ON THE LIST , so relax and enjoy the show

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Does that mean we can start calling you Juan78? As Juan is John in Spanish so as you said basically the same name…