VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Sorry this is NOT funny. If you keep associating me in any kind with that organinzation I will report these posts.

jeeze if it means that much to you . i wont mention it again , but not because your threatining to report them as i dont give that much of a s__t about the forum , ill stop it because you asked


I do not care why you stop just stop it.

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stop being so b___dy melodramatic


If there is one thing with which you can step on the toes of almost every German, it is by putting them in the same row as Nazi organizations. This may be funny for outsiders, but not for Germans. We are very thin-skinned on this topicā€¦
Even our modern Nazis donā€™t want to be associated with the Nazis back then. Although for them this is more of an alibi to make themselves appear more democratic


tnx for the explanation guess it makes sense , , i appologise to the germans here then ,but he went about notifying me about the situation the wrong way , you dont threaten someone and expect calmness , but you showed him how it should of been explained :ok_hand: :hugs: :hugs:


Everyone has their own methods of dealing with explanations. Sometimes a mallet is the right method, sometimes diplomacy. I prefer the latter, even though I would often rather take out the mallet


well some people are adults and some are still c___dren ,still there are other ways of skinning a dead cat as they say , so all his good,


Just feeling my head, no lumps have come up yet :wink:

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still cant believe he said he is going to report me if i call him that again , this is a b___dy adult forum , not a little boys school . and hes so blind that he couldnt see it was said in jest , sounds like a right little teachers pet , i wonder if you can get cautioned for calling someone a wanker :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Unfortunately the Germans have a terrible legacy to endure and i have every sympathy with the masses but again, unfortunately, it will always be there in many peoples minds and will most probably surface from time to time in life. :hugs:

I would take objection to being called that you tosser______Oh whoops, thatā€™s the same thing i suppose :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


thatss because you know its something behond physicall capabilities when you get to our age . but these young pups still can , so guess its okay to call them wankers :rofl: :rofl:


Couldnā€™t possibly comment on that pal on the grounds that i may b___dy incriminate myself. :wink:

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thatā€™s why I donā€™t read the forum well maybe too much wankingā€¦ :joy: :joy:


As I said, this is a topic about which we are overly sensitive and understand relatively little fun. I can understand his reaction. Maybe not in the way he put it, but in the way THAT he had to react

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is it okay to call you a wanker . your not going to run to the teacher to report me are you . already been threatened with detention tonight :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Look on the bright side pal we canā€™t be moved from here as this is the lowest of the low so there is always a silver cloud lining somewhere :joy: :joy: :joy:

he didnt need to say he was going to report me , a simple explanation would of sufficed , only snitches run to the head teacher


Can i get the pickle tickler please ?
