VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

dont believe them statistics are true , i know for a fact there as been more than one account claiming to be female but was infact male , also you need to take into account not all members correct the account details stating there sex ,

Wäre schade, wenn es wirklich so wäre. Ich hätte mir schon gewßnscht, dass die Statistik stimmt. oder vielleicht noch mehr Mädels hier sind :wink: :laughing:

do him/shes count ?“ladyboys”? most times the sex is evaluated from your email address

VHTV is a voyeur site and not a dating community… :joy:

it can be if you have any intrest in a 72 year old casanova , wanna take me out , but it will have to be on a no funny buisness basis , :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Mailing addresses can be forged. In fact, how many of us here are called exactly that? And how many use non-real accounts so as not to mix private life-public life? The truth is that we will probably be less than what the statistics say and even less those who interact.
Even when I put together the announcement post, only one responded to me. A total failure ha


mind you saying that ,you havent proved your female :wink: :wink: only way to prove it is show us ya tits :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Thats just a joke before the political correct brigade chew my ass


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Ah don’t you think the profile picture I put is real??? There they came out pretty nice :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


if dem be real and not implants then baby i dont need pillows no more :rofl: :rofl:

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nor do I wear a life jacket


Talk is cheap, proof would be nice Amber :rofl: :rofl:

Is my word not good enough? :wink:

Would love to say yes but would be nice to have it visually confirmed :wink:
Always open to a lovely PM :hugs:


It wouldn’t work anyway. She could post any picture she wanted, as long as they had tits and a face.

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Since the public is cheering for a photo to confirm my gender, here’s one:


Not quite what i was envisaging i must say, that’s more like a b___dy nightmare :rofl:
One pussy is ample hun. :wink:


You can’t deny that there is a lot of pussy in that picture. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Bad enough trying to handle one :rofl:

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Can anybody check my post under Derek and Gina realm and see if I did it right cause I posted 9 pics to capture both rounds of sex between Derek and Gina instead of clogging up the forum with two separate posts I just edited my post and added more pics I don’t want to break any rules

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