VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

@Kaycey I’ve got 12in but I don’t use it much as a Rule. :pinching_hand:t3: :ok_hand:t3: :+1:t3:


Ok smartass, all corrected now :laughing: :hugs:

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i see his joke went straight over yer head pal :laughing:

That’s a rather clever one! :slight_smile:

im 72 takes time to set in , i did get it just after i commented lol give him a laughing imoji to make amends lol

All forgiven pal :laughing:

sorry, i did not notice that, maybe they should just tag me when they need me?

That’s ones out of the b___dy ark pal :laughing:

i even said flora topic is the most active on the site while kayaeyes is one of the least active so good chance you don’t follow it

you were completely right, i don’t follow much on here, better things to do in life :slight_smile:

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The Misses the other night was getting really Horny,
And She said Bigdan (Her Pet Name For Me)
Can You give Me 12in and make Me B___d,
So I said Yeah, who not?
So I Fcuked Her Twice and Punched Her on the Nose.

@robwin went before you but had to do her 4 times :rofl:

b___dy hell jabs was slow to night we got away with it for a whole hour lol :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I completely agree, I barely post anymore and when I do others take offense and report me so I’m thinking what’s the point

i have no idea what your point is or should be, my point is to make a little fun over here
try to put some sarcastic humour and cryptic answers

i also get a lot of flaggs, but i don’t really care

that did cost me my TL3 status, but if i look around who gets that TL3 badge… what’s the point of it?

sorry to butt in , but had to say this in defence of you both , this forum as taken on a cliche element and if you dont fall into the hierarchy group ,your bound to get bounced at times it goes with being an outsider , im in that category but i dont give a fuk ill never change , if you worry about the levels or leaderboard status your on to a looser from the start , just be yourselves and dont worry about the others

That status thing doesn’t bother me anyway, as long as i am able to post ok i couldn’t give a s__t about the status.
Unless you want to brown ass up the whatever ladder as you say, what’s the point of it and all the silly badges?
We ain’t c___dren no more, are we? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

To be honest, I still have no idea where this leader board I keep hearing about, actually is. I have certainly never seen one on VHTV (or any other similar site, come to that).

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