Updates to the Video Gallery

What is the policy on updating the video gallery. I ask because it hasn’t been updated twice in the last 10 days or so. The updates seem to be sporadic at best. It would be nice if the gallery could be updated by the time an event rolls off the timeline. If that’s a problem, perhaps all the time currently being spent posting photos on Telegram to try to get new members could be spent updating the gallery.

The last clips were added on 12/4/22 and 12/5/22. Where is your problem?? :thinking:

sometimes they get behind with the posting of videos ,but there is nothing missed we have to say a big thank you ,for the one who is doing all this work ,the videos make this site more enjoyable and for giving us the 24 hour timeline ,so with that and videos we will not miss anything


The action would better if there wasn’t a timeline or video archive. It comes at a price.

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My problem is that in some apartments it’s 12/8. That’s 4 or 5 days with no updates. If it’s 12/7, that’s still 3-4 days with no update. I think that’s too long.

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Not every places have things worth saving. When you see something just make a request to get it saved.

Perhaps there were no reports that something should be archived. Typically, reported archives appear within 2-3 days.

Yes exactly. Thanks :heart: