Ubaldo & Bo

Sex doesn’t mean mandatory penetration. Although he did at least partially penetrate anally.


I think Will prefer anal sex but this type of sex is up to the Lady to accept it or not
PS I think because I watched closed he didn’t do full penetration but tried though unsuccessfully

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Non-penetration was a matter of agreement, given that Bo has red days, and quite painful ones at that. Will’s enthusiasm for anal sex is well known and he tries to practice it regularly with all the girls.

I don’t know if it is wise for Ubaldo to leave Will with Bo for too long or too many times for that matter. We don’t want a repeat of Ariela’s case :sweat_smile:

Even with the fact that Will and Ubaldo are friends. For now.



Should at least wear his boxers for breakfast! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy:


Never used it , like to inflict pain on his “women”

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Creo que Ubaldo, como recordé más arriba, confía en su novia. Está con ella hace muchos años y evidentemente, hay acuerdos internos que son privados y propios de la pareja. Ubaldo sabe lo que pasa aquí y desde el momento que aceptaron exponer sus vidas, él sabría lo que pasaría.
Y para “arruinar” o “meterse” en una pareja hacen falta dos. No solo el forastero seductor y cachondo. No necesariamente las mujeres no somos tan tontas de “dejarnos” atrapar y ya o dejarnos llevar por la hormonalidad y la calentura y no pensar.


Gracias a todos los que subieron fotos y videos :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :fire:
Son mis ídolos :star_struck: @Alek228242 @Florencio231104 @Eros

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Literally word by word how it happened with Ariela and Seb.

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Crees que Ariela se dejó llevar por la calentura del momento? Que Will le vendió “espejitos de colores” y ella cayó sin más? Dame el beneficio de la duda. Creo que estas chicas son mucho más inteligentes y que si las relaciones se rompen no es por algo unilateral.


She clearly did. But that doesn’t mean that Will is to be blamed. It could have been any other boy. He just “helped” to show the obvious cracks and minuses in their relationship (A&S’s one)


Why not ? If their relationship (U & B) is strong and real, it shouldn’t be a single problem


Until today’s interaction between them, I thought so too.

I observe what is not always visible at first sight. And certain alarms went off today. Of course, I hope I am wrong.

With Ariel, I didn’t. Despite assuring me that my “worries” were unnecessary and that everything was going well between them, Seb quickly realized where things were heading.

As I say, take my observations as mere chatter :blush:

Oh, don’t forget, I announced recently (before Horney) that I expected a cooling off between Tonk and Ryry.


We all hope for this scenario. Especially Ubaldo.

Unfortunately, the chemistry in the brain often comes up with surprises. I know too many of them, and in much more delicate, consequential situations (the break-up of families with children, for example).

Life is not all unicorns and rainbows.

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Por supuesto que la vida no es arco iris y unicornios, mis más de 40 años me lo han enseñado bastante bien. Solo digo que como espectadores puede que detectemos cosas, pero el día a día es solo el que lleva cada pareja. La realidad es la suya, no la nuestra. Y, al menos yo, elijo confiar en que U&B es una pareja fuerte, tal como dijeron.

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I agree that there was a clear sexual excitement with Will over the last 24 hrs that I do not observe when Bo is with Ubaldo.


I’m absolutely on your side on this :blush:


Very Hot… Bo Very Sensual Young Lady !!


No one home tonight, friend has been round to feed the cat.

and tonight we’ll have sex, maybe anal