Ubaldo & Bo

Il ne s’agit nullement de découverte ou de virginité. Sur ce dernier point, je te rappelle que le couple existait avant l’épisode Will et jusqu’à maintenant on ne peut pas dire qu’il ait montré un penchant pour le triolisme ou la partouze. Par ailleurs, reposter une vidéo dont on n’est pas l’auteur n’est pas très honorable.

Alors, simple question, te serait-il agréable de voir sur ta page une vidéo de ta copine, ou ta femme, en train de baiser avec un autre et crois tu qu’elle viendrait te le raconter ?

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Maybe it’s because I don’t speak French and the translator misinterpreted something… but the way it’s coming across here, I’d say you’re asking the wrong question.

Of course there are couples who like that (I know at least one such couple from my personal environment). Not every act of infidelity is automatically cheating on your partner. To assume it across the board, or to link it to the question of what WE would think if it were OUR partner (that’s the point where I’m not sure how to interpret your words in the translation) is the wrong approach.

Added to that is that the scene with Will happened some time ago. All we know is that Bo and Ubaldo are a couple NOW. Who knows whether they were already like that when Will was there, and not just ‘friends with benefits’. Or whether it was still a non-exclusive relationship back then. Maybe both of them even had other partners and only became a couple through their adventures with Ariela and Will. and just because we haven’t seen anyone else yet doesn’t mean that they are now monogamous…

these are intentionally a lot of speculation and possibilities, and this are just some examples of we you should never judge others without full knowledge or in compliance with your OWN moral values

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Don’t overdo it, I know everything about Bo, and I have complete trust in the relationship. We have been together for more than 8 years. и я ее люблю :purple_heart:


everything is fine :wink: I just wanted to show that the blanket accusation that you don’t know something can be the completely wrong approach… and is, as we now know :heart:


This will surely please the cat lovers



everywhere else there is CAD-CAM, here instead Cat-Cam


Your response contains so many uncertainties relating to this couple or this “non-couple” that reading you, ultimately your reasoning is not based on anything objective and Ubaldo’s answer brings the proof. Then, how can you boast of it over anyone who develops another discourse ? Furthermore, contrary to what you say, I simply state my vision about a comment, before asking a question.

Otherwise, you are wrong in evoking my morality when it’s a question of RESPECT. Indeed, being a voyeur, having multiple relationships, simultaneously or not, being a sex addict, beyond the fact that the tastes of each other are totally indifferent to me, does not prevent anybody from having a minimum of respect for the participants and certain posts are singularly lacking in this.

Finally, our different values, those that were instilled in us from a very young age, constitute the basis of our thinking and we are prisoners of them (for example: Judeo-Christian values ​​of the European peoples and their emigrants to America). So how can we move away from it in our remarks even though this values will, I hope, have been enriched over the years by studies, work and life ?

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The position of cameras in livingroom and bathroom is too high now @Ubaldo_Bo

You can see the right positions of all cameras here:

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The camera in the bathroom is badly oriented.


Yes as well as all the livingroom cameras. I wrote it above. Give them some time to read it and fix it :wink:




A romantic bath would be nice …


Away for the weekend, maybe meeting up with Ariella, baby sitter on duty.

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I never thought @Ubaldo_Bo Bo, cared much for the cat. I might have to change my opinion, thankfully! Love to see this!!! :cat2: :heart_eyes_cat: :smile_cat:


I’ll admit it. I am jealous of their meals. Ubaldo, @Ubaldo_Bo is a fantastic chef. Bravo!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :yum:


@Ubaldo_Bo nos debes la receta de la hamburguesa y el pan! Jajajja. Somos muchos los que estamos encandilados con tus menús;)




:fire: :cat2: :heart_eyes_cat: