Turn ons and turn offs?

Ok if this thread has already been posted, I didn’t see it.

What are your major turns ons and turn offs while watching.

Turn off: cell phones. Honestly, when I’m with others, even not having sex, my phone is away. Call me old fashion, but I like laughing and spending time with people. When I see someone on the phone while some action is going on (and they are not filming), then it gets under my skin. Like WTF!!!

Turn on: Multiple sex action at the same time. Different rooms. Same room. Kitchen. Bathroom. Doesn’t matter. Just damn!!! For me, major turn on.

Your turn.

Turn off. Webcamming, pussy cam show.

Turn on. Naked girls in everyday life (cooking cleaning), cool parties and orgies


I hate it when the tv is on loud during the sex. And when they’re on their phones DURING sex. WTF?

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I hate it when they keep going to their phone. There was one the other night being taken from behind so she could watch a program on her laptap. I would have given up and wandered off if someone done that to me. :rage:

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Yes phones are a real turn off for me especially when they are having sex or a guy is having a blowjob and just laying back and going through his phone whilst the girl is blowing him. Having said that you have to remember that they are all on VH to make money and many of them either just like watching themselves or checking on where they are in the previews and if not perhaps to make extra efforts to attract viewers lol. Not all are like it, take Henry & Mira for example when they are having sex or a party with whoever you rarely see a phone anywhere. Also it’s funny how so many of the girls use a phone for looking at their own pussy or themselves and taking shots of it. Quite often when they are fingering themselves as well, yes, it takes all sorts lol. Also have you also noticed that those apartments that have large full length mirrors on their wardrobes that when they are having sex or masturbating either of them will often look in the miirrors to see how they are doing lol. Or using phones to get the right viewing angle from a cam. Yep it sure is a funny old world eh.

At first I thought this topic was related to Katia’s bath pal. :joy::+1:

Again, not surprised :rofl:

Sometimes I noticed that they check number of viewers during their sex (a web page with charts is clearly seen on the screen).

Maybe some people can have an orgasm only if number of viewers is dramatically increased (joke).

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Label: “DO NOT MIND HER! Your peas are ripe”

Or maybe if they have large numbers they will keep the sex going for another half hour, but if no-one is watching they’ll cut it short.

Turn ons: “regular” girls who seemingly are shy. Organic spontaneous (at least make it look that way) threesomes/orgies.

Turn offs: Phones during sex or in the bath. Fake “acting” type behavior. Gay M/M sex.

Shy girls are fun – especially when they open up.

I am cruel, when I see people at the beach (in the sea!) or in the bath with their phone, I secretly hope they drop it in the water.

Unfortunately, some phones nowadays are waterproof.

Result the Lady gets a free perm if she s alive after the event, its when its plugged into the mains then its a worry , when not plugged in no problems apart from a damp phone.

Nah wouldn’t hurt at all they are only about 12v output doubt if you would get a little tickle and these girls need more than that i think :rofl:

Turn-offs - 1) Twister games. It never goes anywhere and it’s not enjoyable to watch. It’s the sort of thing you have to experience yourself and isn’t good for fixed camera footage. 2) Playing up to the cameras, constantly looking at the cameras to check position. It totally robs any aspect of voyeurism from proceedings. (even pretend voyeurism) It’s understandable if a camera droops or gets knocked, but direct to camera stuff belongs on Chaturbate type sites. 3) Participants glaring at the cameras when they become aware that one is active, (I assume there’s a light that come on to indicate this. They’ve chosen to participate, they get paid for doing so and glaring at the cameras means I’m going to go look at another apartment so they lose out. or I’m going to follow them around like a stalker just to annoy them because if you glare at me I’ll damn well stare at you until you truly feel uncomfortable. 4) Video games obsession. And phone obsession. 5) Pussy camming. because it’s cynical, uninteresting and guaranteed to make me find another apartment to watch. 6) Moobs. 7) cross-dressing.

Tun ons - 1) Semi-clothed or naked exercising. 2) Guys doing household chores. (I appreciate a man who isn’t a misogynist) 3) naked guys just being naked and not giving a damn. 4) Laughter. Even if i don’t know what the joke is it’s always good to see people really cracking up with laughter. it’s sort of life affirming really. Laughter during sex is great. 5) Cleanliness, pride in self and environment. I mean these people are cooped up in an apartment being watched by hundreds of people, slovenliness seems like the last thing you’d want to be remembered for… 6) body hair. I’m a big fan of vintage erotica. Someone who is all natural is joy to behold.

That’s probably a bit more than was asked for. Oh well. :nerd_face:

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Can i add on the turn-offs list — Yanks without a sence of humour :innocent:

The whole site is a turn on, but I like them just doing everyday life and some of the solo scenes

Frogs who cant fucking spell :rofl:

Dont get personal my spelling aint that bad is it ? :upside_down_face: