
I don’t know if I can stretch to a long form poem. (giggles adorably)

Sticky Bun Laughing GIF

He has a nice upwards one indeed :drooling_face:

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Looking as gorgeous as ever.


Our Artem seems a bit sad tonight.

Sending him a big virtual hug, to try and cheer him up.

:hugs: :hugs: :people_hugging:

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Yes he really IS absolutely gorgeous. I just hope HE realises just how great he looks.

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Artem, if you read this message, please know you are loved and much appreciated.


Love you too Artem :heartpulse:


What a lovely and very sweet thing for him to do.

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Top banana. :banana: (a British expression of appreciation)

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Another big hug and kiss for this gorgeous man. Inside out. :heart::fire:

Artem now has a rival for the cutest in the apartment. But don’t worry Artem, you’re still the cutest.

Can you tell us what your new dog is called?

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who is the girl with the black hair dont believe ive seen her before

Yes, that is a friend of Artem’s and possibly of Barbara’s. She has appeared a few times.

thanks David to you no her name

Not off hand but she may be in the directory.

ok no problem thanks anyway

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Just checked and don’t think she is (yet).

Thanks i just hate calling people him or her :rofl::rofl:

Nobody gonna mention that Artem got his hair did? Lookin’ fly.

its hot james mcavoy GIF

Adil and the guest from the other night have arrived.