

‘Barbara orders viagra from Amazon so Artem can become the world’s first human coat hook.’

Naari visiting

I hope Barbara shares Artem with Nari. Don’t think I’ve seen Nari and Artem hook up yet

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That depends upon what Artem wants as well, of course. He needs to do what HE is comfortable with, not having to worry about pressure from anyone (at all) to do certain things.

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Well said. Artem and Barbara are entertaining enough as they are without being pressured into bringing other people into their sex life and jeopardising their relationship like we have seen elsewhere.

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she ran out of money again now she is going to get another apartment for 2 weeks :joy:

Nari is like Mulan, just too unpredictable and unstable to carry an apartment. Her time is gone. let’s move on now.

absolutely nari needs money and sex for what comes back to piss us off :joy: :rofl:

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I can see that gorgeous ass again. :heart_eyes:

Artem certainly knows how to grab people’s attention doesn’t he? I am certainly not complaining!!! :heart_eyes:

I don’t recognise this girl. Maybe a new face?

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She’s a good friend of Artem’s. She visits quite often.


Oh my, set phasers to stunning.

It’s nice to see you back my friend =), hope all is well. Maybe we could get a poem about Artems erection? :wink:

Nurlan is back. Lovely to see him again, hope he stays for a while.

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