
I think they should be coming up to the next move soon from their current temporary location. Hopefully this will be an improvement.

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this apartment makes no sense…maybe they think they’re making money with all these peas flying…


If they both wanted, in my humble opinion, they could interact with each other until they found nice girls. As in previous realms they have been to. I believe, now that they intend to deconstruct this previous image, and they are within their rights!! For work reasons, I haven’t been attending VHTV as much, but I noticed fewer assistants in this apartment, and others I liked dropped out of the project. Unfortunately I believe this one will also succumb soon, but I wish them all the best in their lives. :cry:

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I personally don’t know what happened since most are in Russia under the command of a bastard we all look forward to finding dead…


For those who criticize Nikki’s realm, due to its disorganization. This one is much better and a colleague of mine called me from Astana recently, who was coming into work and it was daytime. In this realm it is still night at 10.15 A.M. and on television here in Lisbon there was a live report from Siberia far to the north about the m____r of politician Navalvany and it was also daytime there. + 7h from here. Incongruities


Interesting observation. According to the time given in the apartment, the sun rose there at around 11:30 a.m. I don’t know of any country on earth where this is the case.
Logical conclusion: Either the time is wrong or the apartment is on another planet. :thinking: :sweat_smile:

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Or it is done so that it helps to hide their location.

Not the first apartment they do it…

I know that they do adjust the times in some apartments to help hide the location, due to incidents in the past.

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tumbleweed GIF

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A far cry from when Gothita and Leafy used to visit.


It looks like that hole has been pounded…….probably when they go “offline for personal reasons”

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Lol close cam no fuck :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Cam go plz

The female guests asking to turn off the cameras to have sex, nothing new here, as the female guests here are the worst



The guest was waiting for this moment, as we saw in living room before the camera signal was turned off.
​That’s why she is always covered, because she doesn’t need to undress, she can do it “off line”



He disconnected his own place🤦‍♂️. I made a ticket:

you’ve finished minding your own business and now you’re online, remember that we pay for a subscription and therefore the salary, VHT also delete this message the more they do things that aren’t right you no longer defend them CONGRATULATIONS