
a very kind and very polite user who was banned for a year… :wink:

Well, that is a truth with reasonably big modifications. I see the irony. :hugs:

there is much irony in my message…I wanted to use sweet words not to write the truth… :+1:

die gäste von trishas realm sind gerade bei inga das waren die guten nicht die böse wichte

She (Tanya) was both generally and specifically very impolite I would state. :heart:

both users and vhtv tried everything with her trying to make her understand that certain things can be said in the same way using different language but she always went her own way…

Yes, absolutely. It is absolutely correct. Well said. :hugs:


She has a great body :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


weniger nerven wäre ein guter anfang …

und wenn es wirklich störungen gibt sind noch genug andere von uns da die sich drum kümmern werden. die welt geht deswegen jetzt nicht unter …

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das ist keine aussage

Finally STOP getting on peoples nerves. You are really annoying and trolling here in the forums too.
No need to ask VHTV every day about Trisha. Don’t you understand that?

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At least pay attention to your writing and interpunctuation. This gibberish is really hard to read most of the times. :crazy_face:

I don’t think he understands that… :wink: :crazy_face:

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Just lock the topic as it’s always the same everyday pointless discussions. You can open it once she comes back online.