Trisha & Klaus (Part II)

No wonder she went out b___dy Kano is still there taking over.
Maybe she plans not to be there very often so why not just name the apartment Kano, at least we would all know which way the cookie crumbles. :rofl:

Don’t know but just seems to be a fuck up all round. :roll_eyes:

There seems to be no permanent place for him at the moment.
But there isn’t really anything going on in Pablo’s flat either. If it still belongs to Henry, he could move in there for the time being, would be my thought, without wanting to get rid of him. :thinking:

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Paolo Chantal meinte ich

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The first night, when Nerina popped up at Henry’s, Kano took her to Alida’s (at that time) and started to play on her on the rotten couch, and then both went into the bathtub together.

Kano didn’t do much, but at least stuck his hand up her pussy, and she didn’t look like not to like it.

Now, if it is just accepting him because beeing told so, or personal sympathy, I guess only Henry knows.

So far I didn’t see Nerina rolling eye-balls upon Kano’s presence, so from my part, I guess, she either wants him to be there, or at least doesn’t mind.

I guess we’ll have to live with it … for now. :smile: :smile:

Una seems to be d’accord.

Why not be done with it all and rename it Kano’s as that’s what it seems to be as he’s the only one there. :roll_eyes:

Bit difficult when she ain’t there after all Kano seems to have taken charge of the bedroom.
What a farce eh and she’s left with a sofa bed that don’t work and falling apart. :rofl:


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One out and one in :rofl:


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:notes: :notes:


:boom: :boom: