Trisha & Klaus (Part II)

WTF, how has he got the b___dy nerve to still be there?
I see Nerina is probably fed up with him being there and pissed off elsewhere. :roll_eyes:
Obviously Trisha didn’t want him with her :rofl:

The chance of something happening between Trisha and Kano would be an absolute minimum now. Even though something has happened between the two of them before. I will admit that. That is a fact. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

That’s a special gift for you Rob :crazy_face: :laughing:

Well they always say it’s the thought that counts :rofl:
Now he’s back in Nerina’s bed and seems to have f___ed her out the apartment.
Can’t he just fuck off permanemtly???

kano and like an ornament you can move it from one house to another but it will always remain stationary… :joy: :joy:

And a complete pain in the ass :joy:

He must be homeless also because he is bouncing from one apartment to another…

And being watered and fed.
Probably not his fault but why should be allowed to disrupt so many apartments.

maybe the participants like trisha,henry,mira are his friends and don’t want to leave him on the street…(this is just my guess)… :wink:

Maybe so but why should he be allowed to disrupt our new participant, Nerina?
Let him stay with Trisha or Henry if they want to care so much for his welfare.
Now we have no Nerina in HER apartment so where she has gone god knows.

in fact nerina is gone and kano has been s___ping (in his bed) for ages…

Whether she has actually gone or is just pissed off with him for always being there, i don’t know?

it would be nice to know…(we’ll find out when the kano skeleton gets out of bed in a week)…

Yet another of Henry’s successes recently :rofl:

Kano? He’s been in the Henry Group for a while, hasn’t he? At least I’ve seen him s___ping in all the flats, I think. And he often cleaned Trisha’s place. :thinking:

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Not very often, but indeed he did so :crazy_face:


Why shouldn’t he as he is getting free board and lodging.
But my point once again is why should he disrupt a new participant from living in her own apartment and bed now,
Not really on is it.

Cmmon Rob, he’s not disrupting anything, the girl went out. If he was disrupting, i am sure that he was told so

Sure! But does he choose the flat in which he s___ps? Or is that agreed? With Henry, for example?

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