Translation problems, here to help

If, like me you struggle with the language barrier in the apartments, me being english and not understanding a word that is being said then google Translate on your phone now does a transcript service, providing the audio quality is ok, i put my phone next to the speaker it translates so you can at least get an idea of what is being said, that being said, i’m here for the video content :rofl:.

hope this helps :slight_smile:
if you already knew this then shoot me :slight_smile:

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Unless they have improved it recently - say 6 monthd i have tried many times to put the phone by the computer and have had at best the odd word- usually a swear word, occasionally a dozen words of nonsense
I may try again tho ?

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“Say Hi” works quite well…

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Do they often say that ?

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Nah “Say Hi” is an app for the phone :joy:

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Damn, i have spilled the Pepsi all over the sofa and me :joy: :joy: :joy:

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AAAAh, Live & learn !!

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