Translating Russian

I have tried Google Translate app on my phone to capture the conversations and translate them but it isn’t working well. Do you know better apps ?

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I use this site and it does a pretty good job for me.

No I’m talking about translating audio

Microsoft Translator App. Android

Have you tried with this website ?

yes, to put subtitles on some video’s

sorry I haven’t found anything for that yet. I have been looking myself

we all know English is one of the most common languages spoken but for some reason it never seems to be used on VHTV why is this ??

Fit ay feckin hell ye oan aboot min, :thinking: ken ye nae see its maestly Enlglish wee spik oan ere. :joy:

well understood big Jock me as a Sasanac that served in a Scottish regiment i understand where you are coming from :rofl:

Because they are nearly all b___dy russians, no reason to speak english, i doubt if any of them can anyway.

Обидно было

I hope this is a joke comment. There are a good chunk of them that know at least some English…

Why not try on pc instead, the sound and image are better!

Becouse in my house i speak my native language even if i’m fluent in engllish? (Mtw marla and some friend are not)

just a tought

That may well be but if they are all russians among russians why would they speak english.?

thats fair enough but 80/90%of the people that subscribe to VHTV speak english so we thought it would be good if we could understand what is being said

I never said they would. I was specifically referring to your comment saying that they probably don’t know English. It’s pretty common for English to be taught in Russian schools. Yes, it would also be quite silly for them to go around speaking English instead of Russian. Although it would be pretty funny to see @Henry only speak English for a day. :joy:

English is a common language because there’s a lot of countries throughout the world that speak it, unfortunately Russia isn’t one of them. I can’t see them changing from there native language just because you don’t understand them.

Anyone but them :rofl: :rofl: