Time zone

I think if there are more participants from different countries and time zones, it would make VHTV even more interesting. For the moment there is often a period where most of the participants are s___ping., only because all these people live in the same time zone. With participants of several time zones there will be always something going on.

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I quite agree, there would be action all day then. :+1:

Yes…totally. Everytime I switch on VHTV at my norm night time hours 8 to midnight (USA)…I just see everyone s___ping…and mosy of these apts s___p till 3 in afternoon :-/

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Hmmm who is Jan9859??? that is not my name on here??? Interesting??

When you first log into the forum it will generate a random name for you, I think there is an initial period of time for you to change your name to what you desire. If you aren’t able to change it then I would suggest speaking with @VHTV_James for advice.

Well you can always move to Europe :grin:

hahahhaha…I would love to move to Italy :slight_smile:

Welcome to our forum! Just tell me which nickname you’d like to use and I’ll change it for you :wink:

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Oh how could I have forgotten the lovely Kaya can help too. :pleading_face:

James added me some admin access just some days ago :kissing_heart:

Well deserved. But I thought you just need your magic for it :joy: :hugs:

early c___dhood education magic GIF by Khan Academy Kids

Ola… :smiley: Eu tambem estou de acordo… Tambem tem a ver com o crescimento do VHTV… Quantos mais formos mais maior tambem sera o VHTV. :muscle:

Davey is fine to use…thx

Like Davey Jones? :wink:

Pirates Of The Caribbean GIF by Sea of Thieves

No like this Davey Jones …of the Monkees hahaha…but he spelled it Davy…I’m Davey :slight_smile:

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