The VHTV Forum Cafe


Krombacher for Germany? There is a lot better beer here :joy::see_no_evil:

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I didnā€™t say anything about Heinekenā€¦ :see_no_evil:

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Let me hold your beer. (that 2-1 goal :scream::scream:)

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As a Romanian, i can tell you that i never heard of that Beer Brand. There are very famous beer brands in Romaniaā€¦

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This is a lovely picture, not only because of the whisky but for your inclusion of a gorgeous Kestrel in the background as well. :heart:

Thank You, I photographed it myself, itā€™s one of my hobbies

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More than likely, their content was deleted. Itā€™s just a guess from me, i havenā€™t actually checked

He is right

All of them Realms were connectedā€¦ I assume that there have been some bits left behind (like one Topic) by error maybeā€¦ :man_shrugging:

Yes, it does


Post manually deleted by author.

Thanks for sharing your point of view, I understand that might be inconvenientā€¦ weā€™ll keep it in mind for future improvements


Yes, after I wrote my comment, I realised the point I made didnā€™t really relate to yours.

We were thinking about 2 different things, I think. I apologise therefore for what might have come across as a rather forthright tone in that original message (now deleted as it didnā€™t really make sense, looking back and reading it again).