The most women a guy had

we all know that Misy had a great deal of men and Lillian is trying to beat her ,but which guy had the most women

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Could be Henry… :thinking:

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quite a contender for the crown :laughing:

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Maybe Elon

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Elon is a relative newcomer compared to Henry who has been on VHTV for a number of years.

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Henry for sure. Can’t remember a different guy with so many. Alex had quite a lot too. Also Elon. But I do not think they come close to Henry.

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Henry competes on the manager sex league. It’s two different competitions

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No it’s not. It was asked about guys. Not about what the guys do.

No, I think Alex had more than Henry. Don’t forget, He was here before Henry, and he’s still around.

I am pretty sure Henry is first and Alex second.

i think someone needs to look at the videos pages ,to sort this out i thinking could Felix be in the running

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Not really. He was not around for a very long time and he basically had a collection of 10 +/- 3 girls. So no…Henry is for sure well over 30…

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The only issue with that is that not all the videos are in the archive. I know for a fact that several instances of Alex (and Anna) are not listed.

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It is not only the quantity but also the quality of sex
& also the imagination that has no limits…

Just saw the title of the topic and wanted to warn you guys never to search for “Czech Harem”…