🎁 The best cunnilingus 20.02.24 -25.02.24 (completed)

We continue with our weekly nominations, thank you in advance for your participation. Realms appreciate it too! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

“THE BEST CUNNILINGUS” is valid 20.02.24 - 25.02.24. Results 26.02 :gift:

:warning: The rules:

  • Post full screen pics/gifs or videos that fits the title of the nomination in this topic
  • Don’t forget to mention realm name/link/timeline in the post (better link)
  • Anyone can post (admin, member, manager), but only our regular users’ likes are counted.
  • Only content from actual time period is taking part in competition (currently 20.02.24 -25.02.24). Not from archive - live or recent snapshots from OUR VHTV cameras!
  • Share likes or other reactions - author of the most popular post will be gifted with +5 Premium days in the end of each week. Negative reactions count too!
  • Winning realm gets rewarded too for provided angles!
  • If the max number of likes is equal, the post from which was published later wins. But both forum users will get +5 days.

Please don’t spare the reactions, because that’s how we gather information about what you like best in live videos.

Changes: to increase activity +5 days premium will also be given to the author of the post with 10 or more reactions during the nomination period. But 2 awards in one nomination cannot be given to one user :fire:

1 Like

Marla & Hector :hot_face::fire:



@Rollin168959 I’ll give you credit for the win, but I remind everyone to link to the main realm site so that other users can quickly find the activity in the video.
Congratulations again on your win!:partying_face:




Thanks pal!


Thank you so much, Yes sorry I had a problem with my phone :sweat_smile: