Teresa & Goldie

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Welcome back Teresa & Goldie


I mentioned who would be the next new bodies had no idea it would be my Goldie :heart_eyes: She looks absolutely stunning :hearts:

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Ok, let’s pick up the topic of the baby. Why is an i____t allowed??? And yes, you can clearly see the baby if you go back on the timeline.

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I guess they put it online too early and Stifler will leave with the baby. It’s offline now.

According to support it was only a test run.

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Dann unterlasst das BITTE mit der Zeitleiste, ich habe es auch live gesehen, Stifler war unvorsichtig, ich hoffe @VHTV_James löscht es aus der Zeitleiste.

Pretty sure it wasn’t Stiflers fault. VHTV put them online too early. And they will delete it from timeline. Relax guys and girls. Nothing bad happened.

This will not last long, I can’t see how any m____r would be away from their baby long to be on this. :man_facepalming:

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Still gave me chills :hearts: :heart_eyes: :baby_bottle:

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That’s indeed strange. I guess she will spend a lot of time outside the place

It maybe just support for Teresa to get back into it :man_shrugging:

Shocked seeing Goldie. Was that Sergio’s Teresa? Never really noticed

Yes, it is.

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she will drive Goldie nuts :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Oh god. that was Teresa Teresa?

Well I hope she cleaned up in those months she was away

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Yes this is Sergio’s Teresa

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Any apartment that were acquaintances with Krista gives me hope :frowning:

Although it was mostly both their partners that seemed to be friends with her so I know it’s unrealistic to see her again

Wonder who the other girl is? Capture_2022_08_12_12_11_25_484

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All this does is give me some more unrealistic hope that Leonie will be back soon…




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omg .my heart just started beating faster :heart_eyes: