Sylva & Carlson

You are correct as ever and many thanks for your assistance on this one old friend.

It is a realm 90 production so anything is possible :sweat_smile:

In addition, I also don’t think we have ever prohibited photoshoots from our side

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A guy with yellow hair

Thanks @kaya . It was a conclusion I reached after the apartment was closed for a while.
Do you have any feel for why the photoshoots ceased? It just seems odd that something as exciting and potent as the photoshoots (imho) should suddenly stop. Down to the manager I guess.


In the 18th century they’d have said his hair was ‘piss-burned in hue’. Which is what they used to say about periwigs that turned yellow from sweating. It is a very curious shade of yellow to be sure.

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Any more photos of him for the Wiki?

This one maybe.

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Looks like he changed his hair colour.

Are you saying that yellow isn’t natural???

Shocked Oh No GIF by Yêu Lu



Hello Gorgeous!!!

Waste of space realm nothing happens please delete this realm.

Please get shot of this realm does not need to exist.

Unless the occupants of this realm contravene the terms that VHTV have agreed with the Manager of the realm or use violence on screen then VHTV are not allowed to interfere with this realm If you research this realm 90 from its inception you will discover some weird and wonderful stories and images of former guests and participants.

Especially on 2 April 2023 imho.

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Realm is just a waste of bandwidth like many others on this site.


I wonder when they will finally fix the bathroom view? :joy::joy: