Subscribers are not relevant

VHTV_CEOProject Team


28m This is the reply i had from VHTV CEO just goes to show what they think of us it was on the warning to tenants ,viiolence page Believe me, I very much listen to people who pay me and them. It’s just that there are a lot of those people, you’re one of thousands of them. I’m sorry, but your voice is not relevant.

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The CEOs have been out of control lately. They have come to an extend that cover r__e incidents and insult their subscribers who had given them so much all these years. This will clearly come back to bite them in the near future. What a horrible answer to one loyal subscriber…

i am not subscribing again ,

What’s happening?!

Btw remember that way you also leave alone all good tenants, it’s a choice I can respect but someone gonna Sais it

It does not surprise me, he is just a poor useless tied hand and foot by his managers.

No one here has the right to speak on my behalf. The author of the topic is banned, the topic is closed.