Sophia, Elon, Claudia

Again offline……!

Now showing Technical problem….

As a veteran I absolutely agree. I’ve been there done that and and don’t always bring up this senseless war. I joined the service because I wanted to preserve life (no matter what side of the conflict, because once a causally one is no longer a combatant). I have often wondered as many of the participants are in the Ukraine and Russia how many of them may have lost friends or family to this senseless war and may have had to go offline for a while to greave in private.

I don’t know if you are following the news but there is a very strong possibility of all the Ukraine realms going offline in the next few days as Russia is planning massive attacks against the country because Ukraine is celebrating 31 years of independence day on Thursday.

What’s going on in this world…:disappointed_relieved: We are in 2022 and still fighting things need to be change…. and leave with a peace…. No citizens wants war…but only government of their country wants it…so that they can rule on maximum people……:cry::cry:



What’s the name of this older lady? Is she new?

Yes… first time she did sex…

You know the drill. Good photos and a name we need :joy:

I am thinking it is an Elon relative, maybe auntie…

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I suggest to name her Olena :wink:

I had an Aunty Gladys once ?

I had an Aunty Gert once, short for Gertrude :rofl:

I like mature women. VHTV should bring more of those. More diversity

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Auntie Olena sounds perfect… much better than Elona…

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I also like mature women …. but hot mature women :smiling_imp: not that much mature…:sweat_smile:

like a mature 25 til 35 :laughing: :laughing:

Can you please ask Mr Putin to slow down a little bit so I can at least watch more shows with this new mature lady on this realm?

Are you asking or telling? :innocent:

I’ll talk to him later. he will understand you


Has claudine had sex with anyone yet? The closest i was able to see was a handjob + facial.

But has she had sex with anyone in the past?