Silver & Bradley

if you want, I can post interesting moments from this account, I don’t care and I won’t argue with you
don’t think you’re on to something
if you read our forum, you would see that I already wrote from this account and said that this is my old one

Understood, thank you for the answer and saving me from searching :hugs:

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Some people have a fetish for digging as deep as they can into the lives of others. Beware!

two face GIF


yet somehow you are on the forum all day and all night :joy:

Silver: Great party!! Hope to see you with more like that… Next time all should play strip card game… That would be so hot


I can’t remember the name of the software that you use (you did tell me, I know) but a couple of things I have noticed about it…

  1. (Particularly in the picture above) It seems to miss the contrast adjustments needed to balance the subject(s) (Silver but in particular, in this case, the other young lady) with the background and additional overlaid elements.

  2. As with the picture you posted the other day of Silver, which prompted my question about the software at the time, brightness isn’t always taken into account. In that previous picture, Silver appeared much brighter than her new background (the woodland carpet of flowers) and the flower overlay placed on top of her.

I seem to remember you telling me it’s all done automatically. I wonder if you would have more fun (and without wishing to be insulting to your efforts, maybe better ‘fine tuneable’ results) using Photoshop.

I am not trying to have a go at you here, it’s just an observation.

I did actually try my own edit* on that previous picture the other day, just to see what Photoshop could do to balance everything, tone and colour wise. Great fun but I grant you, it’s far more work to get the desired results.

*I deleted the file straight after, having debated whether or not to show you the results so unfortunately, I can not demonstrate the kind of thing I am talking about.

Perfectly fair and understandable. :slight_smile:

Thank you!
Do you like our last party?

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It was quite nice. I hope you can losen up the new guests even more and have some fun with them :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I always like ur parties :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hugs:

It was a pity not having seen this moment a little better

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it was great // hopefully like Jabbath says more can loosen up …


Hi all! Happy holiday to all those who celebrate, and those who do not just celebrate the first day of May :sweat_smile: We were at BBQ today (it’s a pity that you can’t fry BBQ in the apartment, otherwise we would have a party)


Beautiul picture beautiful girl. xoxox



Silver’s sister???

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Can Silver kiss the new girl… the girls kissing was so nice the other day… we are waiting for the girls to kiss… please…