Showing appreciation on the forum towards the members that upload media

i am just surprised how little involvement members have towards all these guys that upload loads of moments they would of otherwise may of missed , they view the pics but seldom click a like emoji , and i personally think thats disrespectfull towards the guys that keep the forum fresh ,without them the forum would be just a case of reading words , a forum is built on participation and a simple :ok_hand: :clap: :+1: :heartpulse:orv even a :-1: if you feel that way ,goes along way into showing these guys how much we enjoy all the work they put in , so either show some respect and aknowledge you have seen the pics , admin just finished a competition for the most liked comment/pic and the overall winner had just 30 likes if you put that into context as to the amount of members that read or see thes pic/comments ,then i would say to many of you do not know how to show gratitude, so i am going to take this moment to ask you to show some appreciation from now on , USE THEM EMOJIS , thats what they are there for and there free ,


I do understand your post. However when the image that is posted sometimes on three different threads it would be improper to give that image three likes. Also certain poses are captured and posted on consecutive days. If an image is posted that is original then yes give the member the recognition he or she deserves.

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I here you ,but my emphasis was on the number of likes , even if you add up the number of likes on the repetative post it still would be a miniscule amount compared to the number of views by individual members , say the same pics are uploaded to 5 different topics and each pic recieves approx on average 8 likes (and more often or not by the same members) that would only equate to a tiny proportion of members showing any appreciation for the time and effort these posters put into uploading images and vids on average there are between 1200 and 1500 active members per day and only a small percetage actually communicate in the forum for whatever reason, maybe they just want to read the comments or more likely to view the vids and pics which are otherwise not visible to them due to not having subscriptions and no access to the archives , surely then there should be alot more likes for the pic comments :wink: :wink:

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Thank you for your eloquent reply. I fully agree with your comments re members not making any effort to thank the posters or even comment if they agree or disagree with the comment or the image/vid that is posted. :beers:

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Here’s an example of what I think you’re referring to. A couple of weeks ago, I was notified that I had a new badge for getting more than 50 likes on a link I had posted.

When I go to the post to see what link it was, there may have been 50 clicks on the link, but there were maybe 3 likes on the post.

On the other side of that coin, when I first started out with forums, I asked an admin on the first one, what was the protocol for using the reaction system? They didn’t call them reactions, but for consistency…

He said, most people give a like like when they download something, so that’s the protocol I’ve followed for years.

Of coarse, there are exceptions to that. For example, I like the jokes and funny things, as long as I can understand them.

I’ll usually like animal pics, if they’re cute, funny, cuddley, etc.

I will also like whatever I quote, unless I disagree with it so vehemently that I just can’t justify a like. Don’t want to give the impression I like or agree with something when I don’t.

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