Sherlock & Irene

Welcome Sherlock & Irene

Irene name is already used by Irene & Stitch :grimacing: can they use same name ?


Yes they can

Looks like a nice apartment as well. :+1:

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Sherlock and Irene. Somebody knows their Conan Doyle. Wonder if we’ll be seeing a Watson as well? In the books Holmes spent more time with Watson than with Miss Adler,

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beautiful girl, let’s see her at work

Irene is beautiful :heart_eyes:

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cams 3 and 4 do not work well…

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not only she is a lovely girl ,she cleans her hands after she been to the toilet


The loggia is actually a wardrobe…

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Sex in the first 3 hours. Apartment gets straight to the point.

that tells you there used to performing on camera and not shy . is that a good thing or a bad thing , thats a question for everyone

Do you think that is a good thing or a bad thing?

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Too early to say.

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