
It’s called being in a relationship.


I guess I missed the post where she is leaving so I’m surprised tonight. I wish @shana only the best and hope she comes back to visit often

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I agree with you big time… :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

whatever you say I agree with you… :+1: :+1: :+1:

@robwin I’m trying to help a friend…

What friend might that be then?

and a friend with a heart of gold unjustly locked up in jail…

You have lost me i’m afraid.

and a wonderful girl

Can you explain a bit more so i can understand?

Would like to understand maybe you could PM me sometime.

you are right but tonight is not a good night…

Sad to hearr you are leaving wishing you all the best for the future

Like I said before dropping like flies

You know you sent this message to yourself, right? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :sweat_smile:

Are this pair definitely leaving?Don’t see much sign of the usual getting ready to leave stuff.

wow, that went faster than we had hoped and shana thought herself…

What is a loss for us is a gain for you. you have used the time so far and enjoyed your freedom more than many of us here in our entire lives. so enjoy the coming time too, may it bring more good than bad times.



They are leaving the project, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are also moving. They could quite possibly be staying in the apartment.

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Ok gotcha :+1: