Sex in the dark

I don’t get it why so many participants prefer to turn the lights off when they have sex? Aren’t they aware that the cam is still catching them when it’s dark or are they prude christians who think that sex is shameful thing to do it under bright light ?

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Maybe some participants do not want to see their sex-partner?

A lot of the sex on this site is scripted

Why they don’t want to see their sex partners?

because there is not always love involved

ça fait moins chaud.

For some younger girls, like Stacee and Audrina, it might be they are still getting used to having sex in front of live cameras, but for others it might be that the lights are too much. Nearly all of the rooms in these apartments have overhead lighting, and the glare from lights directly over you can be hard on the eyes. I personally hate overhead lights, and prefer lamp light, but most of the rooms in these apartments don’t seem to have lamps of any kind. Besides, they know the cameras can operate in the dark under night vision. I don’t mind when they turn off the lights, but what I don’t care for is when they stay under the blankets. And like @Elian149781 said, it’s less hot when the overhead lights are out.

so why do we see them kissing and cuddling ?

It’s an easy way to remove the feeling of surveillance from your consciousness. In the dark, it’s easier to forget that there are cameras around you and hundreds of eyes watching you. It’s easier to relax.

We have often seen a very shy visitor who didn’t even dare to undress, went completely wild in the darkness of the bedroom and froze to death when the lights were turned back on.