Sergio & Teresa

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Welcome back :wink: :rofl:

did they really leave :grinning:

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Ok what’s the betting odds they will be off line before the end of the night, or will it only be a few hours?

Well I hope to see Goldie & Stifler there as Bulachka is already here.


Goldie was just in the Loggia i guess still couch-surfing.

Ante aka Horndog is visiting :rofl:

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@stinky240 Goldie & Bulachka are here, looks like he is still a loggia cat.


She tried to catch the fish out of the tank earlier. :rofl:

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Maybe he was informed about Sergio’s new interests :joy:

lots of lagging. I miss Melissa imo Teresa is not that attracted especially to her!

We can look forward to good parties at Sergio :ok_hand: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Cams are lagging. Reboot is needed.

we havent had any yet.and hes been on for awahile probably just go offline :upside_down_face:

Is Stifler not well, WTF he has white socks on, not his trademark red ones.

Looks like first party is starting right now.

Easily possible :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Observe, and then we see what happens …

no hot babes like him and Melissa always had here is just the same usual group! not much entertainment other than the cat!

Yeah sausage party. Goldie is off limits, Teresa won’t do s__t so I see some blue balls tonight…

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