Savannah & Troy

I think Indira is almost ready for more.

If my girlfriend woke me up to fuck her, I’m sure I’d oblige her

They’re still discussing things but may work up to it yet.

Lights are on, In the kitchen, are they reading us?

I don’t understand why every time Indira takes her Tshirt on and off she covers her breasts with the bedding, but she is quite happy to expose her pussy. Her breasts are lovely, small but perfectly formed and they bounce well. Just need some oral attention from Kostja, come to think of it so does her pussy.

The pussy does not stick out like the breasts or a penis does, so it hides itself for the most part. But her Breasts are very nice!

Almost bedtime good night everyone.

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That poor kitchen table can’t handle much more a___e. :rofl:

That’s 4 more minutes than Kostja lasted… lmao

That’s him a lot of times. Kostja has been going for 30 minutes lately, he tries again too quickly, sometimes

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Tonight we received visitors here, it seems


Can’t get any worse than the party at MMS yesterday…

Felix what time would he go home now

Hope he gives Indira a good pounding :stuck_out_tongue:

Has he ever done before, can I remember, or what that when Mikl

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He’s left his girlfriend at home, so he can go about his business

If he does she’ll have kostja’s cock in her mouth, so win win

Found Palmer and Zoja are Back Will be another evening of talking

Lol seems Palmer and Zoja really could be an item :joy: